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Baby Disco: A Little Dance Party

Families and caregivers with their children 3 and under are welcome to a little mid-morning dance party to kick off the weekend! We begin with a

story, move through a spirited instrument jam sesh, and finish with a free dance to favorite tunes. Adults with pre-mobile little ones are encouraged to bring a carrier for gentle, attached grooving. A play mat will be available for little ones who need to groove in place!

10:30am to 11:30am @ The Fitness Barn (255 Molyneaux Rd in Camden)

$10 per family in advance/$12 at the door

P.S. Submit your song requests to @natures_hand_maine on IG following the Baby Disco prompt before the partay for a chance to hear your (or your babe's) power ballad on Friday!

May 24

Camden Nursing Circle

June 4

Rockland Nursing Circle